Prices Inclusive of VAT on Item Tax

Hi All,

We publish our prices to our sales Team inclusive of VAT to avoid any calculation errors and some items are exempted from VAT.

I am using Item tax to allocate which Item requires VAT. As we have published the price inclusive of VAT Erpnext calculates the price on the VAT price put against the item. I later discovered I can tick “Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?” when making the quotation. However, they have been multiple times the salesperson has forgotten to tick “Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?” resulting in the wrong price given. I have tried using the sales tax template which doesn’t work due to the VAT exempted items get calculated as a VAT item affecting the accounting department as they are both quoted from time to time. Additionally, the sales tax template when “Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?” is ticked the VAT price doesn’t come which we need to show legally.

Is there a way where it automatically pre-ticks “Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?” on the item tax in the quotation, sales order, and sales invoice? So the salesperson does not have to do this? As item tax works perfectly its just needs to be pre-ticked to avoid any mistakes from the salesperson

Your help will be much appreciated