Price based on quantity or enforce min/max quantity for a item


We have several products that are tiered pricing (buying and selling side), we want to have a way to enforce a check so either a min/max quantity has to be met OR depending on the quantity a certain MSRP price will be shown from a price list. I looked at the pricing rules but this has no way to verify the min/max quantity’s are met, only apply a discount. Does anyone know if this can be done?

We are just trying to make sure the salesperson cannot quote a item that has a certain unit count and then enter the wrong unit count on the SO.



In the Pricing Rule, you can also set Item Price based on Qty. Check:

To restrict user from entering Item Price in the Quotation, you can set Price List Rate field mandatory. You can enable it from:

Selling > Setup > Selling Setting

Uncheck field Allow user to edit Price List Rate in transactions .

Hope this helps.


When I tried this it had no effect on making sure the user had to input a
quantity between the min and max. We are wanting this to make sure a
certain quantity has to be inputted with a certain SKU. Or am I missing



In the item master, we have Minimum Order Qty maintained for an item. Are you looking for the same on the sale side as well?

If yes, please create Github Issue for this feature suggestion.

Perhaps you can also add this validation via Custom Script, or get it customized from one of the developer in the community.


Yes are looking for the same on the sales side.

I will raise a issue on Github.


We need this feature, When can we expect this?


Please search/create Github Issues for this feature. You can also consider sponsoring it’s development to raise it’s priority.