POS - Items from selected warehouse


ERPNext (latest bleeding edge version v7).

I have 2 Items which have “Is Sales Item” ticked and 2 warehouses

  1. Main Warehouse
  2. Store 1

“Store 1” warehouse is set as warehouse in POS profile, the problem is that POS is displaying all items from all warehouses, even if there is no “Stock Entry” at all.

For example:

“Product 1” has Stock Entry and stock in “Warehouse”
“Product 2” has Stock Entry and sock in “Warehouse” and “Store 1”

In POS, I see both products, but I should see only “Product 2” because, it has Stock Entry and real stock in “Store 1” warehouse.

I’m able to sell “Product 1” in POS, which is actually wrong, because this product is not associated with “Store” warehouse in any way.

Another question is about stock.
“Store 1” warehouse has “Update stock” enabled but POS allows to sell products with 0 quantity, these sales go under “Sales Invoice” as Draft - I’d expect that POS would give warning about 0 stock sale and have “option in POS profile” to prohibit such transactions.


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Can you reply?

Hi @fredl

This is specific use case, you can filter items based on item group not on warehouse. Add item groups on the pos profile so user can only view respective items

Can you make github issue for this

Hiii @rohit_w
Is the following issue solved or not?
“Store 1” warehouse has “Update stock” enabled but POS allows to sell products with 0 quantity, these sales go under “Sales Invoice” as Draft - I’d expect that POS would give warning about 0 stock sale and have “option in POS profile” to prohibit such transactions.