POS Awesome error due to Frappe Updates

Good Morning Everyone,

My organization is new to Frappe. We use the cloud service for our retail outlets and we have noticed frequent update release from Frappe that automatically updates our services without our consent.

This morning Monday 20th of September 2021, woke up to a new update from Frappe and we’re getting the error below

Now we’re stop at no way out on getting this issue resolve. With alot of customers in the outlets waiting to be serviced.

Does anyone in this room have quick fix to get out of this issue ?


Please check this


Thank you for this Mohsininspire.

Unfortunately, we’re on Frappe cloud and have no access to the program source codes. Is there a way Frappe can help us update the POS Awesome to fix and accommodate the error gaps ?

I will really appreciate this been resolved by Frappe.

This issue was fixed by @youssef a few days ago.

Am not very familiar with the frappe cloud environment, what is the mechanism for updating the 3rd party apps by frappe cloud subscribers??

Anyone ??

Hello Frappe, this issue appears to be affecting all users on frappe cloud using PoS Awesome, would you mind updating PoS Awesome on frappe cloud please?