POS and batch no


First of all, this is my first message and I need to say that this piece of software is really impressive, thanks a lot to all the team members for the accomplished work! This is awesome.

I’m running into a problem though: I have batch n° assigned to some articles I’d like to sell from the POS interface. When I select one of them, I get a popup requiring me to provide a Batch number but there’s no way to select one… so I can’t sell anything. Any clue about that?

Thank you,


@rohit_w Can you look into this?

Hi @glibersat,

You can directly add an item into the cart using the batch, in the item search box enter the batch number. For more details please check below gif


Thank you very much @rohit_w, I can indeed add articles by their batch no, now!

While that’s a ok workaround, don’t you think the available batch number should be displayed when selecting a product so it’s more user friendly and more natural?


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