Please add Serbian Latin Ijekavica

That’s why we recommend using the portal. Will export towards the end of the day.

Can you raise an issue about bad font rendering on Issues · frappe/frappe · GitHub, Anand will take a look.

Also mention your OS and version (or if you have applied special infinality patches on linux)

Great, thank you!
We have already translated more than French, Dutch, Russian and Portuguese - just to name a few :smile:

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Guess you forgot to export…

Hey, sorry, have been travelling. Will export by 1500 IST

No problem, that’s 10:30 CET :smile:

Right on time :smile:
But the third link is not working…

Thanks! :smile:
Fixed the third link

Thank you!
Now, that you are in a such a good mood, can you please explain how to upload those translations?
And please do not refer me to:
As far as I figured out: bs-frappe19feb.csv goes to /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/translations/bs.csv
Am I right?
What about the other two files?

bs-erpnext19feb.csv = /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext/erpnext/translations/bs.csv
bs-frappe19feb.csv = /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/translations/bs.csv
bs-sc19feb.csv = /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/shopping_cart/shopping_cart/translations/bs.csv

Yes, the other two in erpnext and shopping cart repository . (same pattern
with the translations dir).

I got it, thank you!
Works great :smile:

Could you please upload these CSV’s:

So I do not have to translate it again when I already translated it locally?

It would be difficult to merge, can you use only the portal to update translations? It has improved significantly…

How is it improved?
I don’t see an option to download CSV’s from the translations portal.

Why is it difficult to merge? New portal uses some other format? Are there ID’s for values? If there are, than send me the new format and I will merge it and sent it to you so you can upload it to the portal.

It is difficult to merge because either it your edit will overwrite another person’s edit or we’ll have to discard all conflicting edits from your file (for the latter, I will have to write some code).

My team and me are the only ones editing this language so there is no fear of deleting the conflicting edits - it should be overwritten by the values in the CSV’s from the DropBox link I sent.

I just installed fresh v5, downloaded bs.csv from /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/translations and /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/apps/erpnext/erpnext/translations but there are no values for module names. E.g there is no standalone value “Accounts”.
Are those csv’s complete (they contain untranslated values too)?

Also, there is no “Accounts” as a standalone value on translate portal

Please help.
Translation portal does not contain all the values.


Is there any update on this?