Overcome insufficient stock

After creating the production order with the required BOM and There isn’t enough stock in some Items . And I need to release the production order with the shortage items which have been orderd .
Also release the available items from stock to production. But I receive. Pop-up message of insufficient stock

go back to work order in manufacturing module which should show the status “not started"and trigger start production and then enter lesser quantity for “select quantity” when the notification appear for material transfer.
You can use the stock ledger to view the quantity of raw material present in your warehouse and according plan the production.
This will help to produce final product based on the raw material stock available and represents the” manufactured quantity " of item on same work order doctype which you could use later for completing the remaining production.

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Thanks for your reply this help me for materials which have to withdrawn, but I need to start production order with shortage materials which doesn’t affect the process and it can be withdrawn separtly to production line

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