On latest bench update "'Meta' object has no attribute 'nsm_parent_field'"

I followed this thread due to the same problem and ended up reverting back to 12.0.8 except that it was actually reporting v12.1.0 when I finished. So, just following this post I issued another bench update and this is what I get:

Also, I’ve update to python3 but I see here that we are still making calls to 2.7?

Try going to the app folder (frappe and erpnext) and execute:

git checkout version-12

Thanks, that was it. My reported versions are:

erpnext 12.1.0
frappe 12.0.10

Is this correct?

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I think it is

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edit: @Akram_Mutaher @alkuhlani contribute that’s how community works - you get the idea

OK, I got the idea.