New local install refuses to start, CentOs7

Hi all,

I have done a fresh install of CentOs7, followed by ErpNext,

All looked good until I tried to use it, if I type the url into firefox I get the Nginx admin screen up

If I try for local host I get the 404 not found.

I have looked through all the other people having issues and none quite match mine.

I don’t think however the bench is running, when I do a bench start I get this result
09:45:57 system | redis_socketio.1 started (pid=5548)
09:45:57 system | web.1 started (pid=5556)
09:45:57 system | workerbeat.1 started (pid=5553)
09:45:57 system | watch.1 started (pid=5551)
09:45:57 system | redis_queue.1 started (pid=5558)
redis_socketio.1 | [5548] 18 May 09:45:57.100 # Creating Server TCP
listening socket bind: Address already in use
09:45:57 system | async_worker.1 started (pid=5557)
09:45:57 system | worker.1 started (pid=5561)
09:45:57 system | redis_socketio.1 stopped (rc=1)
redis_queue.1 | [5558] 18 May 09:45:57.119 # Creating Server TCP
listening socket bind: Address already in use
09:45:57 system | socketio.1 started (pid=5563)
09:45:57 system | redis_cache.1 started (pid=5566)
09:45:57 system | redis_queue.1 stopped (rc=1)
redis_cache.1 | [5566] 18 May 09:45:57.159 # Creating Server TCP
listening socket bind: Address already in use
09:45:57 system | longjob_worker.1 started (pid=5571)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to workerbeat.1 (pid 5553)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to watch.1 (pid 5551)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to web.1 (pid 5556)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to async_worker.1 (pid 5557)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to socketio.1 (pid 5563)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to redis_cache.1 (pid 5566)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to worker.1 (pid 5561)
09:45:57 system | sending SIGTERM to longjob_worker.1 (pid 5571)
09:45:57 system | redis_cache.1 stopped (rc=1)
09:45:57 system | watch.1 stopped (rc=-15)
09:45:57 system | worker.1 stopped (rc=-15)
09:45:57 system | longjob_worker.1 stopped (rc=-15)
09:45:57 system | async_worker.1 stopped (rc=-15)
09:45:57 system | workerbeat.1 stopped (rc=-15)
09:45:57 system | socketio.1 stopped (rc=143)
09:45:57 system | web.1 stopped (rc=-15)

Can anyone shed some light on my problem…

Regards, Jeff.

It seems port 12000 is already running. You can stop process on port by using command like fuser -k 8080/tcp(this command is for linux system, Please check command for Centos 7)