[New Feature] Config to order: ERPNext version of SAP's variant configuration -- APP published, testing needed


Thank you, just to be clear I am looking for help not offering services. I’m not sure if my initial post was clear. As I am going through similar issues to the commenter that I responded to, I am looking to solicit help.

Also, so far my experience has been amazing. ERPNext is a very well built system and just the Youtube videos alone were very helpful but I am betting my progress will accelerate having logged into this forum. Thanks for your reply.


Yep. That was absolutely clear. I was just saying that to others that might read that.



Dear @szufisher. I’m extremely new to ERPNext and still understanding the concepts involved. I’m having trouble following the instructions in the post and the github readme. It’s not your instructions, it’s certainly my understanding.

I got though the BENCH commands and it seems to be installed. What I’m having trouble with is the DocType and BOM setup. Would you mind producing a short video just illustrating the steps; so that I can “look over your shoulder” ?

I’m sorry to ask you to do more work after doing all the heavy lifting, but I appreciate any help you’d be willing to give.

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Is there any development on this ?

sorry this was an unfinished project long long time ago,no real customer.

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