Need help to set auto-filter in a custom-created report (Report Type: Report Builder)

Hi community,

As per title above, I wanted to customize a report to show only Selling Item Price. The report type used is Report Builder. Below is my json code. As I am not a programmer, I need help to set the ‘filter’ below to only show Selling Item Price

{“fields”: [[“name”, “Item Price”], [“price_list”, “Item Price”], [“currency”, “Item Price”], [“item_code”, “Item Price”], [“brand”, “Item Price”], [“currency”, “Item Price”], [“price_list_rate”, “Item Price”], [“valid_from”, “Item Price”], [“valid_upto”, “Item Price”], [“docstatus”, “Item Price”]], “order_by”: “tabItem Price.modified asc”, “add_total_row”: 0, “filters”: }