Narrowing the scope of the framework git label

There are currently 224 open issues with the framework label. While I have been labeling git issues, I have noticed some things. I think we could use some “sub labels” for lack of a better term. Here are the ones I would propose:

  • framework-email – This is for any email handling issues (inbound or outbound including the inbox feature
  • framework-setup – This is for any setup wizard/onboarding related issue
  • framework-ux – This is for any user experience/user interface type issue
  • framework-doctype – This is for any kind of document type related issue

The plain framework label would still be there for “generic/other” issues.



Yes a good idea. I’m sure there are other possible labels but this is a great idea !

I also think some issues are in the wrong place some erpnext should be in Frappe - its not always 100% clear what fits in which project

Created additional tags for email, user-interface and installation

We can use multiple tags instead of hypenating!

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