MySQL DataBase Name

Hello Guys,

How do i get the name of the Database in MySql in Ubuntu?
i need the name of the Database.

Any help please?

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In the sites directory, within the site configuration file called site_config.json.

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“db_name”: “1bd3e0294da19198”,
“db_password”: “J7LmCEjrQxqDyscp”,
“limits”: {
“space_usage”: {
“backup_size”: 1.0,
“database_size”: 17.95,
“files_size”: 2.0,
“total”: 20.95

Thats what i have there

Thats the name of the database of that site.

This works good.

I have successfully connected my Metabase with ERP NExt

Hi @kolotayo can you give step by step guide of how you connected Metabase with ERP? I was reading Metabase FAQ today. Maybe with your guide I can do it quicker.

Dear @muzzy ;

When i got to Connecting to DB;

  • i selected MySQL as ERPNEXT runs a MySQL DB
    Name: Name_of_my_Database (it can be any name)
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Database name: In the sites directory, within the site configuration file called site_config.json you will see db_name there
    Database Username: root (default), unless you changed it.
    Database Password: This is your MySQL password at the course of installation

Then Allow Metabase to anonymously collect usage events

Click on Next and you are good to go

If you have any issue kindly let me know.

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Deae @kolotayo. thanks for the information. will try this on my demo instant.

thank for this guide it work fine with me
thanks a lot