Multi-select outstanding invoices from a list view with checkboxes during payment entry

In Receivables Module, during the Payment Entry, there is a button for Select Outstanding Invoices which opens up a page to enter date range and other filter options, but once i enter the options and click ok, i would like to show a list of outstanding invoices fetched and let user select and unselect for this payment. On confirmation the invoices should be added to the reference grid.

Is this standard feature in ERPNext?

I believe in that same form the is a button “Fetch unreconciled entries” something like that.
When that is clicked it will bring all the outstanding invoices into the child table below.

I would like to have an intermediate form to select the invoices before accepting and showing them up in the child table.
So, for ex., lets say there are 20 outstanding invoices.

  1. I create a payment entry
  2. selected outstanding invoices based on criteria
  3. All 20 invoices shows up in the child table.
  4. I keep 5 invoices and remove the rest and save in Draft.
  5. Now i want to add couple more from the remaining outstanding invoices.
  6. As per current feature, the system would fetch the rest of the 15 invoices into the child table.
  7. Again i keep the 2 invoices i need and have to manually delete off the other 13 invoices.

Instead , if i have an intermediate form that shows up the list of invoices as per criteria and let me tick off ones i want and click Ok and then shows up in child table it would be a better option.

or can this be done with customization?

With best regards

You will probably have to customize this. Maybe using the dialog API would be a good option: Dialog API

Thanks, will check that