Metabase integration for Frappe and ERPNext

Hi, I am using the Metabase app to show Dashboards on several sites.
The steps you need to make sure you do are as follows:-

  1. Install the metabase_integration app to the required
  2. Set the Metabase Settings with the correct Metabase Server URL, Secret Key
  3. Add a Metabase Dashboard with Dahsboard Name & ID from the Metabase embedded code info
  4. On your Workspace, create a Page link to ‘metabase-dashboard-view’ - save the Workspace
  5. Selecting the Page link on the Workspace will take you to the Metabase View Page - on the top right you can select one or more of the configured Metabase Dashboards to view
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Frappe Insights latest version has around 80% of features metabase has, you can try that, it is easy to integrate with ERPNext

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is frappe insights compatible with v13?