Merge Multiple Sales Invoice


Is it possible to merge multiple sales invoice?

Can u plz explain little further!!! Why is there a need to merge?

hmmm …

cause of POS transaction, I wanted to create another series of sales invoice then merge it using the default series.

But why you want to merge? You can have two separate series side by side. Is there any business case for such a practice?

Yes there is,

there would be multiple instance of POS where all transaction of all instance would be paid only on the another instance (not using POS, just the page of sales invoice where the merging would happen).



So u mean to say you want to mege invoices of one specific customer before they get settled and submitted in the system??


Is that possible?

I think its not possible at the moment but there is some discussion going on in this forum

I see. Sad to know.

Thanks @ushashmi for the info. :grinning:

@jhe01 check below link. It might help u

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Thanks for the link @ushashmi,

The suggestion made in the link was to create a Sales Order in every POS transaction on POS Page. My question is, how to achieved that? :grinning:

Though my question should be on another new topic. :grinning: