Meanings of statuses in CRM

Good afternoon!
I’m trying to understand the principle of document movement in CRM by status. I see that some statuses change automatically (for example, lead), and some are set manually. Tell me, please, by default status meanings: what does each status mean, with what document / action is it related?

Lead Status
Lost Quotation
Do Not Contact

Opportunity Status


have you checked User Manual?

Lead Status

Lead= First time when you create lead then status will be lead

Replied = Communication happen via ‘Email’ to lead etc. then status will be “Replied

Opportunity = If opportunity made using lead then then status will be “Opportunity

Quotation = If Quotation made using lead then then status will be “Quotation

Note:= If you not made first opportunity using lead and directly made quotation then status will be quotation,after that if you try to make opportunity then status wont be reflected as “Opportunity”

Lost Quotation = Quotation made against lead and after that it set as lost then status will be “Lost Quotation

Converted = If you create Customer from lead i.e Lead to Customer then status will be “Converted


Yes. There are announcements of documents, but there are no explanations of the statuses of these documents.

Thank you so much! And what is the meaning of the statuses Open and Interested? They are installed manually or atomically under some conditions?

For this you can refer document Document

Opportunity Status

Open:- By default first status is “Open”

Quotation:- From Opportunity if Quotation made but enabling “With Items” option (on opportunity form)
then status become Quotation

Converted:- when opportunity to quotation get made (by enabling “With Items” option (on opportunity form) it will reflected on Quotation) and Quotation to sales order get made,then Opportunity status will get become “Converted”

Lost:- If you click on “Lost” button then it will be lost, but if quotation is made for that opportunity and you are trying to Lost opportunity then it will be not allowed to lost opportunity (because quotation is made for that) If respective Quotation get lost ,its associated opportunity also get lost

Replied = Communication happen via ‘Email’ with contact person etc. then status will be “Replied”

Closed = If opportunity is in “Open” status then only you can Closed opportunity by click on “Close”
button, But if Opportunity status is Replied or Quotation then you can not closed opportunity directly ,you first “Reopen” that then close.


Lead Status

Lead= First time when you create lead then status will be lead

It installed manually or atomically for new document?

Replied = Communication happen via ‘Email’ to lead etc. then status will be “Replied

Should I receive a response to automatically set the status? Or is it enough just to send e-mail to lead?

For this you can refer document Document

I correctly understood that the status Open is placed only if a someone creates an account through the website interface?

And what about status Interested? It installed manually or atomically under some conditions?

Thank you!!