Mapping timesheet with the chart of accounts

Hi There,

First, I’d like to illustrate what I want to do

  • Mapping each activity type to a specific account in the chart of account; it could be many activity types on the same account (one to many relation)
  • Mapping each project to a specific cost center on the chart of account
  • When I import the timesheets of the employees into the system, each records to be allocated properly on the chart of accounts, as per the above mapping.

Second, what I did so far:

  • I created the employees, activity types, activity cost (per employee and activity type), and the chart of account
  • The timesheet template has the project name, employee ID, Employee full name, hours, activity type

Third, my questions are:

  • How to do the mapping of cost center and the account of the chart of accounts?
  • Do I have to create a “salary structure” for each single employee?
  • Can I leave the salary structure with a blank base salary, so the payroll will be based on the number of hours multiplied by the cost activity rate?
  • Can I post backdated timesheets, for the past months I mean?


  • How to do the mapping of cost center and the account of the chart of accounts?

In any transaction where Income or Expense is being booked, Cost Center will be required. For now, there is no option to define mapping between an Account and Cost Center.

You can set some default Cost Centers in the Company master.

  • Do I have to create a “salary structure” for each single employee?


Can I leave the salary structure with a blank base salary, so the
payroll will be based on the number of hours multiplied by the cost
activity rate?


  • Can I post backdated timesheets, for the past months I mean?


Thanks, Umair, for your answer.
It seems that I didn’t illustrate the mapping point well. I am not asking about the mapping between the accounts and cost centers, but I am asking about two other mapping points, as stated below:

  1. the mapping between the activity types and the accounts
  2. the mapping between the project and the cost center

When I import the timesheets, each record to be allocated on the right account, based on the activity type. And on the cost center based on the project.

Example: timesheet record, 5 hours coding, in the project xyz
That should be allocated on the chart of account as follows
Project: Xyz
Cost center: Service projects
Account: Development - L

For sure that will happen after creating the salary pay slips and processing the payroll.

The second problem I face is the hourly rate. I already configured in the activity cost, which is based on the employee and the activity type. So what do I have to configure the rate again in the salary structure once I pick the option of payroll based on timesheet?

Thanks in advance.

Timesheet creation doesn’t have any impact on the accounting. For now, we don’t have option to define Account for each Activity Type. Even if it was possible, we don’t have Timesheet making any posting in the Accounts for now. Please create Github issu for this feature suggestion.

Did you check Expense Claim? You can define an Account for each Expense Claim Type. After approval of the Expense Claim, you can create Journal Entry where Expense Account based on Expense Claim Type will be debited.