Make Timesheet Button under Production Order

Hi, I am unable to get the make timesheet button to work. Everytime i click it, it says “Error - Already Completed”

Hi @Justin_Lu,

Seems all operation has been completed, can you share screenshot of the operation mentioned in current production order.

Thanks, Rohit

Hi @rohit_w I did not do anything, all I did was to submit the Production Order and click on Timesheet. There was no other actions done. Can you try if you can replicate?

Hi @Justin_Lu,

Make Timesheet button only works when there is an operations against the BOM selected in the production order, well I’ll make some changes so if operations is not defined then user can’t see the Make Timesheet Button.

Thanks, Rohit

But when we submit the Production Order, the timesheets are already automatically when there are operations. When we click “Make Timesheet” it will create another duplicate timesheet again based on the production order.

I felt there is no need to “Make Timesheets” because it will be automatically created when it is submitted when there are operations.

Or maybe Production Order should not create timesheets automatically when submitted. This will allow the production user to manually creates the timesheet instead.

Hi @Justin_Lu,

Have you submit the default created timesheet?
Default timesheet has field Completed Qty which is a production qty, for example user has to manufactures 5 goods, when user submitted the production order system creates the timesheet for 5 qty. But if user wants to finished the production in two timesheet then he has to reduced the completed qty from 5 to 3 and he has to click on Make Timesheet Button to make another timesheet for remaining qty 2.

Thanks, Rohit

i see, thanks alot!

Hi @rohit_w, Im new to erp, but I have a question. I would like to know, when I create Production Order, and then generates Timesheets, why is it that timesheet gets generated without material transfer yet.

Hi @jync11

System generates in draft mode only, user needs to submit it before completion of manufacturing.