Make the User Manual Searchable

Can we make the User Manual Searchable?

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Yeah, that would be a basic feature instead of navigating endlessly through all that material.

We are in the process of updating the docs for an enriched experience which will include provision to search the docs as well… Stay tuned!


Follow up question - any progess on this?

Yes, you can expect a search bar in the documentation by end of July 2020.


As promised, the search bar is now available in documentation! Check out the docs

You can thank the amazing team at Frappe:
@netchampfaris for making the new Page Builder which facilitates smooth creation of new websites elegantly
@saurabh6790, @sahil28297 to test and deploy this.

Feel free to share your experience with us :wink:

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Page Builder?

Where is this?

Doc page is down.

Seems to be working fine for me, can you recheck?

V13, PR here

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