Listing suppliers addresses and contacts on the website/webshop

Is it possible to display a group of suppliers and its address and contact details on the website, such that by adding or removing a new supplier in that specific group, the content on the website changes as well?

Furthermore, is it possible to have these suppliers automatically grouped by -- say -- state or provincial region when displayed on the website?

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Thanks you will have to check "show in website" for Sales Partner.

You will get a page like this.

This feature is still Alpha so please send in suggestions via GitHub Issues!


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:09 AM, lxnow <> wrote:
Is it possible to display a group of suppliers and its address and contact details on the website, such that by adding or removing a new supplier in that specific group, the content on the website changes as well?

Furthermore, is it possible to have these suppliers automatically grouped by – say – state or provincial region when displayed on the website?

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Got the Sales Partner part -- but I was needing to use Customers/Suppliers. Since our Customers/Suppliers are in a way our own Sales Channel Partner. Posting on git.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 1:02:54 PM UTC+8, Rushabh Mehta wrote:

Thanks you will have to check "show in website" for Sales Partner.

You will get a page like this.

This feature is still Alpha so please send in suggestions via GitHub Issues!


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:09 AM, lxnow <> wrote:
Is it possible to display a group of suppliers and its address and contact details on the website, such that by adding or removing a new supplier in that specific group, the content on the website changes as well?

Furthermore, is it possible to have these suppliers automatically grouped by – say – state or provincial region when displayed on the website?

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