Linking multiple Purchase Invoices to a single Journal Entry


Is it possible to link multiple Purchase Invoices to a single consolidated Journal Entry ( by consolidated I mean the rows in the JE are not split w.r.t each PI’s amount but one consolidated payment )


You can add multiple rows under a single Journal Entry and each row entry can be connected with purchase invoice.

You can just do the entry without any reference of the invoices. The downside would be that these will not be linked with your Purchase Invoice. You may have to reconcile this later.

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Thanks for replying Aadhil, I agree with this approach but the acounts team have created consolidated journal entries and now my suppliers are paid but PI’s are in unpaid state


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Just knock off invoices using the Match Payments with Invoices tool.

Hope this helps.




Exactly what I was looking for. My bad that I didnt know about it.

Thanks a ton,

please advise how to do this? any link to manual because i can’t find it. please help

Payment Reconciliation

Payment Reconciliation is used to link payments with invoices.
To access Payment Reconciliation, go to:
Home > Accounting > Banking and Payments > Match Payments with Invoices

1. How to Match Payments with Invoices

  1. Go to Payment Reconciliation.
  2. Select a Company.
  3. Select a Party Type and select the Party. The Receivable/Payable account will be selected automatically.
  4. Select the Bank/Cash account against which the payments need to be reconciled.
  5. If you want to filter the records, select a date range for the invoices.
  6. Click on the Get Unreconciled Entries button.
  7. This will fetch all un-linked Payment Entry and Sales Invoices from that Customer in a table.
  8. Delete any unwanted entries.
  9. Select the Invoice Number.
  10. Amount is the amount paid by the party, Allocated Amount is the amount you want to allocate for the reconciliation.
  11. Click on Reconcile . You will see a message saying ‘Successfully Reconciled’.

You will get a message that says ‘Amount allocated successfully’

Thank you. Will try it