Knowledge Base doesn't work since update

Hello there,

I had the external knowledge_base application in production. We had articles and categories.

Now, after the update, I assume you integrated the knowledge_base to the core.

It now looks like this:

When I open it, it looks like this:

There are no errors in the console.

Versions are:
ERPNext: v7.1.22
Frappe Framework: v7.1.24

How to handle this?

Thank you very much.

@ci2016 Knowledge Base has now moved to “Website”.

If you ran “bench update” that should have done it for you. Maybe the icon needs to be deleted. Will fix the patch, but can you delete it manually for now?

@rmehta Of course. Thank you very much.

Do I have to run one of the following?

bench remove-from-installed-apps [app-name] Remove app from the list of apps
bench uninstall-app [app-name] Delete app and everything linked to the app
bench remove-app [app-name] Remove app from the bench entirely

@ci2016 no, just remove the desktop icon from “Desktop Icon” doctype

I use “bench update”(I didn’t install knowledge_base app before).
But there is no Knowledge base in the “Website”.
Does this feature is merged to the master/production version?