Item Number and/or Item Group - When to use which?

I’m stuck creating a inventory number system for myself. I have also made myself “lost in the fog” by thinking too hard about Number and/or Groups. (Too much thinking and not enough trying - though my trying is not clearing me up at the moment.)

Item Groups “versus/in conjunction with” an Item Number system has been my current bone to chew. Working on how to have a smarter item number (to help with ID and storing/retrieval of the actual item) without the eventual hard limits on that system.
Item#: 100-1
“100” = the part ID (a mainplate in this case)
“-” = just a separator
“1” = is the inventory/envelope number (this would grow from 1 to 2 to 3 to…258 etc.)

I could store the “100” parts all in the same place in my shop - a drawer labeled “100” and then search for the envelope number needed.

The thing is some parts I will never (and I do mean that) have another cross my hands. Others I already have multiples of and will most likely end up with more over time. Can I add parts I receive in a year to an inventory number/envelope I setup yesterday and keep my accounting (both financial and inventory) correct?

Or do I setup a new envelope next year when that new collection of parts comes my way. (While hypothetical - this is very common for me.) Also these parts can be new from a supplier/manufacturer or vintage from a private collection etc., though this last part may not matter in ERPNext.

Is there somewhere here I should be using the Item Group? My thinking is that the Numbers should be something like the above, and Groups should be something like “Parts, Movement-Complete, Movement-Partial…” with these listed under “Products”?

Thoughts or suggestions. Having read 6 or 7 articles about smart/talking numbers vs not I’m looking for some clarity.

Maybe after few feedbacks and processing you may able to contribute to enhance existing doc on nameing series:

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