Item Master Upload shows error

Hi All,
When uploading the item masters with data’s of Template and Variant it shows the error. but the Template and Variant is having the Default uom as Nos.

Please any one can help in this. whether I am correct or not.

please check that,
your parent items(“Template” item) in the csv must be before child items(“Variant” item) of that template.

Are you importing the template item using the same file? In that case, template item should be appear before the variant items. Also check if you have entered “Default Unit of Measurement” for template item.

Hi @shraddha and @nabinhait Thanks for your reply,

I have just export the Item Master from one server and importing that into a another server. Also I have set the Default Unit of Measurement for both template and variant.

I am having more than 5000+ records in the Item master. Am I need to edit by moving Template above and Variants below in CSV file.

Is there any other option for importing the Items.

you can filter all "Variants"items ,Copy OR Cut that item and paste into another csv file
and remaining Template items import first and then import Variants items

Hi thanks