Item list image view

hi dears

please i need your help to include the item price and available qty in item list image view

it might be instead of item group and item status

i`v tried to make the above fields in list view but nothing appears

so please advice

thanks in advance

Did you uncheck list view for Item Group and Status when you tried to include item price and available qty, also try to reload the document after the changes

yes i did and its showing standard selling rate now but no available qty filed in the doctype how can i get it ??

now i can show the selling rate . How can i show the available QTY of the item ??

any suggestion please !

Dear @Pawan

I`v checked the list view for Standard Selling Rate and it shown successfully in image list view as shown

also if i checked list view for Total Projected Qty it shown successfully in image list view as shown

But if i checked both of them it only show the firs one i checked only not both of them !!

how can i remove the status field or any other field to show both of them at the same time ??

@netchampfaris can you please help on this?

The Image view already has lots of information to show, so it shows only one field.

can i remove only status ??

please can you suggest how can we show available stock in item image