Issue in naming series

Hi everyone,

I have 3 doctypes “Patients” , “Visit details” and “Medical Details” .I used naming series as format:PATIENT-{first_name}-{#}for patient ,format:VISIT-{patient_name}-{####} for visit details and format:MEDET-{patient_name}-{#####} for medical details.When add 10 data to patients and then when adding data to visit details the naming series of visit details continues as VISIT-{patient_name}-0011 . I want to know how to reset that number to 001.

Please help me with this

Hi @jishnusuni,

first going to naming series page then select transaction after that go to Update Series section and select your reset series in Prefix.
Then current value set 0 and Update series then checked.

Thank You!

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my format does not exist in Prefix List
how can I reset the number series by another way please?

Hi @Shreef_Alawashreh,

first same name series update then again check in prefix.

Thank You!