Issue >> Assessment Criteria Group should not be allowed to delete if it mapped with Assessment Criteria

Issue >> Assessment Criteria Group should not be allowed to delete if it mapped with Assessment Criteria.

Hi @asanodaria
Could you please explain how you are using the Assessment Criteria Group?

I have Assessment criteria Group like
–Oral, etc

And in Assessment Criteria
– Cricket which would be fall in Activity

So, now, when i’m going to delete Assessment Criteria i.e., Cricket. It is throwing me the error message

Now, I’m getting bellow validation message.
“Cannot delete or cancel because Assessment Criteria Group Activity is linked with Assessment Criteria Cricket”

It’s correct…

Hi @asanodaria
Currently, Assessment Criteria Group isn’t being used anywhere in the system. There are chances that it may be used in the future or may be deprecated.
Right now, assessment criteria are used extensively in the assessment module but not assessment criteria group.