iOS/Android app extension enhancements

Share Images/files from App directly to ERPNext

One of my favorite features in ERPNext is how you can uplaod an image/file to attach to a specific Sales Order, Purchase Receipt, etc. I frequently snap photos with my smartphone and then upload to ERPNext using the dedicated iOS app. Today, I received a customer’s request for a product specification. The objective was to attach the image to a Sales Order I had already created.

Current workflow:

  1. In Whatsapp, tap the image.

  2. Tap the share button at the bottom left of the screen

  3. Tap Save

  4. Switch to ERPNext app (already logged in)

  5. Tap on Sales

  6. Tap on Sales Order

  7. Tap on the recently created Sales Order (inthis case, it was selected automatically)

  8. Tap on top left menu to show Frappe Framework commands (i.e. Attach +)

  9. Tap on Attach +

  10. Tap on Explore

  11. Tap on Photo Library

  12. Tap on “Camera Roll”

  13. Tap on the image

  14. Tap on attach

  15. Confirmation if successful or not shows on screen


Desired Workflow

  1. In Whatsapp, tap the image.

  2. Tap the share button at the bottom left of the screen

  3. Tap “Share”

  4. Scroll to ERPNext icon

  5. On the ensuing screen,

  6. On the ensuing screen, have the ability to “search” for a specific item For example: SO-0001, after which results are shown and you TAP Select SO-0001

  7. Select a DocType, then have the most recent items pop up. For example:
    Select scroll “Sales Order”
    All Sales orders pop up below. You can select from here, or add filters. For example: Customer Name equals “John C. Example”
    You should see only related Sales Orders. At this point, TAP Select SO-0001

  8. Next screen you tap checkbox for selecting private or not,

  9. Tap Attach button

  10. Confirmation if successful or not shows on screen


As you can see this Desired workflow is much shorter (Only 53%) than the current workflow for iOS, I don’t know if Android App is similar. If you do several of these each day, or in my case, someone sends me a file vía WhatsApp, this helps reduce the workflow considerably when attaching proof documents for each DocType transaction.

I would appreciate ideas and input! I am willing to sponsor this for the programmer who is in charge of updating the iOS app.


Open an issue on github. If enough people want it, it will be implemented.

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Github #7777 Has been opened! Also, I am offering $100 here! ERPNext Community Job

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