Introducing POS Awesome

I started working on Version 14 support and you can find it at this branch
Please note that it needs to be tested and it is not yet ready for production


Thanks so much, I will try it out

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thank you

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How to round off the Paid Amount?

Hey, could you please help me to round off, Paid Amount field on Posawesome app?

I’m installing POS awesome on ERP next version I’m following the steps on GitHub and every time I go to the 5th step and try the application it gives me 500 internal server errors. help please, please. i repeat the steps anytime without any hope
these are the steps that I follow:

  1. bench get-app
  2. `bench setup requirements
  3. bench build --app posawesome
  4. bench restart
    5. bench --site [] install-app posawesome
  5. bench --site [] migrate

No need for bench restart. Don’t think there’s any such command. Just do bench migrate and bench clear-cache.

Paste here the exact 5th command that you enter. Maybe the command you are entering us erroneous.

the command that makes the 500 internal server error is:

bench --site [] install-app posawesome`

hi got POS Awesome: v3.4.0 (master)

how to upgrade the app to latest build thanks

How to add Cash Shortcut like this on posawesome.?
