Included tax does't appear in pos print

Hello all
When I am in the OFFLINE mode at the POS and I print an invoice, the tax does not appear if it is included… But if you are in the ONLINE mode and print an invoice from the POS , the included tax appears in the print… look at the picture


I used JS Print Format Type for offline, and used JINJA Print Format Type
for online.
If i used the HTML code of JINJA Print Format in JS Print Format … The print stop work !!
This is my HTML code of JINJA Print Format used in online mode

.print-format table, .print-format tr, .print-format td, .print-format div, .print-format p { font-family: Monospace; line-height: 200%; vertical-align: middle; } @media screen { .print-format { width: 4in; padding: 0.25in; min-height: 8in; } }

{{ company }}
{{ __("POS No : ") }} {{ offline_pos_name }}

{{ __("Customer") }}: {{ customer }}

{{ __("Date") }}: {{ dateutil.global_date_format(posting_date) }}

{% for item in items %} {% endfor %}
{{ __("Item") }} {{ __("Qty") }} {{ __("Amount") }}
{{ item.item_name }} {{ format_number(item.qty, null,precision("difference")) }}
@ {{ format_currency(item.rate, currency) }}
{{ format_currency(item.amount, currency) }}
{% for row in taxes %} {% if not row.included_in_print_rate %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if discount_amount %} {% endif %}
{{ __("Net Total") }} {{ format_currency(total, currency) }}
{{ row.description }} {{ format_currency(row.tax_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("Discount") }} {{ format_currency(discount_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("Grand Total") }} {{ format_currency(grand_total, currency) }}
{{ __("Paid Amount") }} {{ format_currency(paid_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("Qty Total") }} {{ qty_total }}

{{ terms }}

{{ __("Thank you, please visit again.") }}

This is my HTML code of JS Print Format used in offline mode

مرحبا بكم في بريفيتا كافيه

رقمنا الضريبي 300599383900003 .print-format table, .print-format tr, .print-format td, .print-format div, .print-format p { font-family: Monospace; line-height: 200%; vertical-align: middle; } @media screen { .print-format { width: 4in; padding: 0.25in; min-height: 8in; } }

{{ __("التاريخ : ") }} {{ offline_pos_name }}

{{ __("الفرع : ") }} {{ customer }}

{% for item in items %} {% endfor %}
{{ __("الصنف") }} {{ __("الكمية") }} {{ __("المبلغ") }}
{{ item.item_name }} {{ format_number(item.qty, null,precision("difference")) }}
@ {{ format_currency(item.rate, currency) }}
{{ format_currency(item.amount, currency) }}
{% for row in taxes %} {% if not row.included_in_print_rate %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if discount_amount %} {% endif %}
{{ __("صافي الإجمالي") }} {{ format_currency(total, currency) }}
{{ row.description }} {{ format_currency(row.tax_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("الخصم") }} {{ format_currency(discount_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("المجموع الإجمالي") }} {{ format_currency(grand_total, currency) }}
{{ __("المبلغ المدفوع") }} {{ format_currency(paid_amount, currency) }}
{{ __("الكمية الإجمالية") }} {{ qty_total }}

{{ terms }}

{{ __("سعدنا بخدمتكم ونتطلع لزيارتكم قريبا") }}

بريفيتا كافيه طريق الرياض - القصيم

I need the included tax to be shown on the invoice if it’s offline
Thank you