In ERPNext I am not able to sales return after purchase item

I am installing ERPNext(Production) in Ubuntu instance using with AWS. I am login from the command line and access to all module but I am not able to see the route file path. Please suggestion of the how to check the routes or how to add a custom file from the route.

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Hi @Balveer,

If you entered Purchase Invoice, you cannot do sales returns against it. You will do Purchase Returns against Purchase Invoice or Sales Returns against Sales Invoice.

Are you talking about Purchase Returns? You may do the following:

Open the particular invoice against which you wish to do a return:

  1. Click the Make button (see red arrow below).
  2. Select Return / Debit Note.

System will automatically convert the item quantities you purchased initially to negative. Enter the actual quantities you are returning or leave all if you return all items.

Remember to tick the Update Stock button so that item quantities and ledger balances are correctly updated.