In docker setup pdf generation is very slow


I am facing a problem.
I have setup erpnext on docker on my debian server.
Everything is working fine, but pdf generation is very slow.

Can anyone please help me in this regard?


@Abdur_Rehman beside this problem , does pdf generates images ? try any page with images .

Not generating image.

@Abdur_Rehman is it showing a line instead of images ?

showing very small two boxes instead of image.
like two dots.

@Abdur_Rehman well then that’s the problem , the system is taking too much time trying to handle images and eventually it just show up without them . for a solution try this. in site_config.json add your host_name:


or try your server domain , then migrate and try again

it is also very slow while generating pdf of print formats without images.
And I have already added host_name key in the site_config.json

@Abdur_Rehman oh sorry then . but it still may be the host_name problem , the one you entered is not working if images are not working .

host_name is my site name(dns record) and from that dns record site is working and opening.
And from that container ping is able to resolve it.
Do I need to change some other configuration?

One more thing: custom CSS on print format is not loading.

After updating docker and erpnext issue has been resolved.
thanks for your help.