In a Virtual Doctype form view how can we make a docfield clickable and link to a diff virtualDoc?

Making a number field clickable is weird UX. You can add a button “Show leaves” and route it to list view that has appropriate filters.

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Hi @Durgesh_Kumar_Rai,

Adding @ankush answer, for the temporary solution for please apply it.

// Syntax
frappe.ui.form.on('Your DocType', {
    after_save: function(frm) {
        frappe.set_route("app", "doctype-name");

// Example
frappe.ui.form.on('Customer', {
    after_save: function(frm) {
        frappe.set_route("app", "sales-order");

If you are comfortable with it then use it.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP , I am working on a virtual Doctype in frappe, and let say I have a docfield (Total Customers)for a Virtual Doctype(Shopkeeper) and I want that When a user clicks on the Total Customers field it should redirect to the list of the customer virtual Doctype. Please help me that how can we achieve it!

Hi @ankush I want to make a clickable field not a separate button here. Which can redirect me to the list of other Doctype.

Hi ! @ankush @NCP

  1. We want to have different sections in a single doctype view : we had tried with section break but not getting things which we wanted it is making a single line between sections.
  2. We want to make fields as clickable ( so to move to the next doctype view page).
  3. We want to build a custom UI and one sample of that is also present below.