Import Data Tool

Is there any progress on this issue?

Check current site name using vi sites/currentsite.txt from frappe-bench forlder.

Then execute, bench --site sitename_from_currentsite backup

Thanks @saurabh6790
Sorry @DieTjommie I couldn’t reply your post as I was busy with other stuff.

Thank you, I can now successfully backup the site, but when I upload it, it asks for a MySQL root password. I’ve used erpnext and then it tells me the database already exists. Do I have to delete or remove the database in order to restore another one?

Try with this,

`bench --force --site {sitename} restore path_to_mysql_file``

I put the sql file in : /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/sites/erpnext.erpnext-vm/private/backups : as database.sql.

Is it correct if path_to_mysql_file is then: sites/erpnext.erpnext-vm/private/backups/database.sql?

I think you need tp provide absolute path,


Thank you so much for your help. Its working 100%.