I want to remove the Field Serial no. from one of the items

I want to remove the serial no. form one of the Items. Only the batch no. is sufficient.

It was earlier required but now no more. I am not able to make entries without the serial nos.
How can I remove this or make it an optional requirement.


Once stock ledger entry is created for an item, it’s properties related to Stock Item, Serialized Item, Batch Item etc. cannot be edited.

To have this same item as a non-serialized item, please create new Item Code, and update opening balance for that item.

@umair do we have any other alternative for this?

Nope! No alternative. You can go and change the Serial Number setting at the Database level, but there is no saying how that will affect performance.

Your best bet is to create a new item as a non-serialized item, transfer the stock balances to this new item and disable to the old item.

The other alternative is to write a bit of script (I don’t know how though) and auto-assign (when the item is receipted) and auto-use (everytime the item is used in a transaction) the serial numbers for the items in the transactions.

Hope this helps.



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