I used Pushbullet to send push notifications to users .... Fantastic tool

I have installed Pushbullet client on users mobiles and on firefox browser, then I made a custom script for slaes order to send push message immediately after submit to a specified user with a link to that sales order.
And it works very smooth and fast.
Exactly like WhatsApp, when the user clicks on the message it takes him directly to the sales order screen.

This couldn’t be done with other applications, but because the flexibility of ERPNext and Frappe we can customize anything.

Thanks for all who share in building this great ERP system.


for everyone like me who does not know pushbullet nor what it does


strangely there seems not to be manual neither an “about” so one has to figure out what it does and how by trial and error apparently

EDIT: first flaw seems to be that it is restricted to sign-in with google or facebook. So no one who does not have a google nor facebook account (or who does not want google nor facebook to potentially read all that traffic [or at least know that you are using pushbullet]) can use it … and that’s me

can u share the script sir…

Just put the below code in your javascript custom code and change the last 4 lines with your data.

var PushBullet = function() {
var e = {},
t = “https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/”,
n = t + “pushes”,
r = t + “contacts”,
a = t + “devices”,
o = t + “users/me”,
i = t + “upload-request”,
u = 4,
l = 200,
s = 204;
e.APIKey = null, e.push = function(e, t, r, a, o) {
var i = {
type: e.toLowerCase()
if (r && t) {
var u = new Error(“Cannot push to both device and contact”);
if (o) return o(u);
throw u
switch (r ? i.email = r : t && (i.device_iden = t), e.toLowerCase()) {
case “note”:
i.title = a.title, i.body = a.body;
case “link”:
i.title = a.title, i.url = a.url, a.body && (i.body = a.body);
case “address”:
i.name = a.name, i.address = a.address;
case “list”:
i.title = a.title, i.items = a.items;
var u = new Error(“Invalid type”);
if (o) return o(u);
throw u
var l = c(n, “POST”, i, !1, o);
return o ? void 0 : l
}, e.pushFile = function(e, t, n, r, a) {
var o = “file_type=” + encodeURIComponent(n.type),
u = “file_name=” + encodeURIComponent(n.name),
l = i + “?” + o + “&” + u,
s = a ? function(o, i) {
if (o) return a(o);
try {
d(i, e, t, n, r, a)
} catch (u) {
return a(u)
} : null,
p = c(l, “GET”, null, !1, s);
return a ? void 0 : d(p, e, t, n, r)
var d = function(e, t, r, a, o, i) {
var u = new FormData;
u.append(“awsaccesskeyid”, e.data.awsaccesskeyid), u.append(“acl”, e.data.acl), u.append(“key”, e.data.key), u.append(“signature”, e.data.signature), u.append(“policy”, e.data.policy), u.append(“content-type”, a.type), u.append(“file”, a), c(e.upload_url, “POST”, u, !0, null);
var l = {
file_name: a.name,
file_type: a.type,
file_url: e.file_url,
type: “file”
if (o && (l.body = o), r && t) {
var s = new Error(“Cannot push to both device and contact”);
if (i) return i(s);
throw s
if (r) l.email = r;
else {
if (!t) {
var d = new Error(“Must push to either device or contact”);
if (i) return i(d);
throw d
l.device_iden = t
var p = c(n, “POST”, l, !1, i);
return i ? void 0 : p
e.deletePush = function(e, t) {
var r = c(n + “/” + e, “DELETE”, null, !1, t);
return t ? void 0 : r
}, e.pushHistory = function(e, t, r) {
“function” == typeof e ? (r = e, e = null) : “function” == typeof t && (r = t, t = null);
var a = null;
e && (a = {
modified_after: e
}), t && (a = a || {}, a.cursor = t);
var o = c(n, “GET”, a, !1, r);
return r ? void 0 : o
}, e.devices = function(e) {
var t = c(a, “GET”, null, !1, e);
return e ? void 0 : t
}, e.deleteDevice = function(e, t) {
var n = c(a + “/” + e, “DELETE”, null, !1, t);
return t ? void 0 : n
}, e.contacts = function(e) {
var t = c(r, “GET”, null, !1, e);
return e ? void 0 : t
}, e.deleteContact = function(e, t) {
var n = c(r + “/” + e, null, !1, t);
return t ? void 0 : n
}, e.user = function(e) {
var t = c(o, “GET”, null, !1, e);
return e ? void 0 : t
var c = function(t, n, r, a, o) {
if (!e.APIKey) {
var i = new Error(“API Key for Pushbullet not set”);
if (o) return o(i);
throw i
var l = new XMLHttpRequest,
s = !1;
if (o && (s = !0, l.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (l.readyState === u) {
var e = null;
try {
e = p(l)
} catch (t) {
return o(t)
return o(null, e)
}), “GET” === n) {
var d = [];
for (var c in r) d.push(c + “=” + r[c]);
var v = d.join(“&”);
t += “?” + v, r = null
return l.open(n, t, s), a || (l.setRequestHeader(“Authorization”, "Basic " + window.btoa(e.APIKey + “:”)), l.setRequestHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”), r = JSON.stringify(r)), r ? l.send(r) : l.send(), s ? void 0 : p(l)
p = function(e) {
if (e.status !== l && e.status !== s) throw new Error(e.status + ": " + e.response);
try {
return JSON.parse(e.response)
} catch (t) {
return e.response
return e
PushBullet.APIKey = “put your api key here”;
var email = “your_mail@your_domain.com”;
var res = PushBullet.push(“note”, null, email, {title: “Hi”, body: “pushbullet.js is cool!”});
res = PushBullet.push(“link”, null, email, {title: “Hi”, body: “Check out pushbullet.js!”, url: “GitHub - alexschneider/pushbullet-js: Client side javascript pushbullet”});

so it will send push notification to android ? if user install push bullet ?

@h_farid_gm geting error buddy

@rioshaz What is the error ??