HTTP error 414 when accessing Journal Entry


I have a fresh install of ErpNext on Ubuntu 15.10 (ERPNext: v6.27.16 - Frappe Framework: v6.27.17)

When I try to access Accounts > Joural entry, the screen fades and I got the following message in the Chrome developer console:

jquery.min.js:4 GET…]&with_comment_count=true&cmd=frappe.desk.reportview.get&_=1462853930713 414 (Request-URI Too Large)

I tried to edit nginx.conf (large_client_header_buffers) with no result.

Others modules seem to work fine.

Thank you

The problem only occurs with the development version. A fresh install of the production version on the same environment doesnt reproduce the problem.

This is a known bug we fixed recently.

Can you run these commands:

bench update
bench setup nginx
sudo service nginx restart