HRM Biometric Machine Integration

i appreciate your response. i really need it. let me try out.

Brother, i want to use this library. How can i use this with the current version of erpnext. Can u give me some instructions how u did that?

Hi,. have emailed you. This was built on V8/9 no not sure if it will work on V11/12. Best of luck. We didnt enhance it as client shelved the project midway.

@afzal @Muzzy


V12 has biometric feature in it, maybe you can use the v12 and check it out.


Hello @Reema_Mehta

Where is this feature in V12? I am currently testing V12 out and cannot seem to see this feature

In Human Resources Module you will find Employee Checkin. and there’s a field for entering Location/Device Type which i assume means that there’s some sort of biometric integration implemented in V12. But no other information or reference to bio-metric integration process can be found (or i haven’t found it yet).


That’s correct, the employee checkin is for the biometric machine. All you have to do is go to shift type and put in the details required along with a python script that you have to run in your computer. Screenshot attached:

@karthikeyan5 Can you help them with the python script?


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Hi. Can someone share how its to be done. Every biometric device has its own independent software. The output files have to be converted into ERPNext template and uploaded to calculate salary. If any user has tested this with a biometric device then would appreciate if the steps are posted here.

Shift schedule specially in industries like hospitality is complex matter which very few biometric software can handle. Many shofts are made and some shifts like night shift statrt on one day and end on next day. The software needs to have function to understand this. Works very well on ZK Teco Biotime V6 and above but this is independent software.
