HR 101 - Basics

Installation and HR

The installation process is not simple. Hence, a HR person should not involve in it unless has required IT skills. However, HR should know what he/she wants from ERPNext.

Preparation stage

  1. Gather your spreadsheets (employee records, training records etc)

Open go to Human Resources section / Employee
Create a new employee file and check if you need any other “additional field(s)”.

What I personality needed “extra”

Personality code
Turkish Identification Number
IBAN Number (employer must pay employee via bank)
Immigration status (if the person is expat or foreigner then visa expiry date must appear)
HR Notes and disciplinary issues field (with text editor must be hidden to employees)
Skype user name field

How to add a custom field?

Go to HR / Employee click on menu and choose customize

Click on add new row

This is very simple field which HR can enter national identification number

A little more advance example…
Ex: If employee is an expat or foreigner then appear the field called visa expiry date

  1. Add the field called “Expat Status

Add a field called visa expiry date and check the “depends on” section. The script says - the expat status field has value of expat or foreigner you can appear.

HR needs to record disciplinary issues and requires HR only section

You should create a new field called HR Only or HR Records ( I used disiplinary issues and special notes) You will need a bit more than a small field so that’s why I chose text editor. Perm Level chosen 6 (so that only employees with permission level 6 can see the field)

I want “HR User” to see the field.

  1. Enter to role permission manager

2.Ada a new rule

  1. Add a new rule for HR rule with perm 6 level

Custom Needs

Let’s create a phonebook so that our employees can easily find the contact information within the system. We can achieve that by adding a new doctype

Add a new doctype

Create the fields either static as data or call them from employee file as the picture given below

Example naming and permission page


@ferohers very helpful information.
Thanks for sharing!

@ferohers awesome. Can you keep updating this:

Will be happy to accept your contributions

Don’t forget adding (Contributed by …)

@ferohers Very Cool Guide :smile: