How to use erpnext to recharge mobile balance and pay bills from other systems

Hello , We create accounts for customers, they log on our system, transfers the balance to Their mobiles line, for example, and pays the dsl bill for example, and I know that it must be linked with the source systems for these services via the api, but my question is whether There is a module or method for dealing with these operations, as they are not products

Hi ,
**If the translation of my inquiry is unclear, please let me know , **
thanks in advance

Hi there, I’m not sure I understand the question or what you’re trying to do. What do you mean when you say “they’re not products”?

Thank you very much for your response ,
I mean that transferring the mobile balance from another system to the customer, or paying a bill from another system for the customer, not a tangible commodity or product, but just a calculation, erpnext will be just an intermediary

You’re still accepting money for a service, so those are products as far as ERPNext is concerned. You can do what you’re trying to do, but I imagine you’ll have to write a lot of custom integrations with the external services.

where to write these custom integrations ? with the external services , and which module I will use ?

Also, if I want to place an order on the site, for example, what should I ask for, and what experiences do I require in who will do this required amendment? many thanks in advance

You’d probably want to create a new doctype for each integration. All the logic would be handled by a controller written in python.

thank you very very much for your effort