How to turn a doctype into a Party?

I need to turn Employee into a Party, from what I suppose would be HR as the Party Type.

I look at and seems like Customers and Suppliers are hard-coded as Parties. I haven’t found any meaningful documentation about Party and Party Type.

I want employees’ expenses like a year bonus or paid vacations to have a Party Employee asocciated in a Journal Entry.

Hi @CostaRica,

You just need To do following changes in journal_entry.js

// Previous
me.frm.set_query(“party_type”, “accounts”, function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
return {
filters: {“name”: [“in”, [“Customer”, “Supplier”]]}

// After Add Employee
me.frm.set_query(“party_type”, “accounts”, function(doc, cdt, cdn) {
return {
filters: {“name”: [“in”, [“Customer”, “Supplier”, “Employee”]]}

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Great! Thanks a lot.

-Will the change be overwritten as soon as I upgrade ERPNext through bench?

Worked like a charm!!!

Thanks to answers like yours is what makes ERPNext great, @Nishant_Jariwala!

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