How to restore a backup?

I m using ERPNext on my windows 10 in Virtual box.
I was taken backup resently in my pc. And backup file in my PC’s folder. So now how i backup. I try some way but show some error like SQL_FILE_MISSING.
SO please give me solution.

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Please take a look on the official page:

Restoring From ERPNext Backup · frappe/erpnext Wiki · GitHub

Hope it helps!

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copy unzipped backup file to backup folder in virtual machine through filezilla/WinSCP and restore by
bench --site [sitename] --force restore /path/to/SQLFILE

Sir How to know [sitename]?

default site name is site1.local
so path is
bench --site site1.local --force restore /path/to/SQLFILE

otherwise site name u can get from frappe-bench/sites folder

I was try please suggest any video tutorial?


your site name is in your bench directory

Locate the backed up files or chech

You’ll find 3 files
Database, file, private file.

Copy to an external folder.

Then go back to bench folder
bench --site sitename --force restore path-to-the-database-file

Refer this video for restore/backup


After this steps are worked fine, at the last cmd for restore it shows “schedular is enabled”. After this all the process, all the changes is shown in my erpnext web instance?

Module import failed for Workspace Number Card, the DocType you’re trying to open might be deleted.
Error: No module named ‘frappe.desk.doctype.workspace_number_card’…
After doing the stpes of the video, In the web instance of my erpnext the error message shows.