How to open child row details without clicking on detail button

My requirement is as per the below screenshot when I click the checkbox item details should automatically be open.

Is there any way to do it?

Ruchin Sharma


This is not possible with configuration setting. Please check if you can make it with with the custom script.

Yes, that is what I am asking, I got something but don’t know how to use it.

add_open_form_button: function() {
		var me = this;
		if(this.doc) {
			// remove row
			if(!this.open_form_button) {
				this.open_form_button = $('<a class="close btn-open-row">\
					<span class="octicon octicon-triangle-down"></span></a>')
					.appendTo($('<div class="col col-xs-1"></div>').appendTo(this.row))
					.on('click', function() { me.toggle_view(); return false; });

				if(this.row.width() < 400) {
					// narrow
					this.open_form_button.css({'margin-right': '-2px'});