How to move Sales Invoice to Sales module from Accounting module?


As the tittle says, is there a way to move Sales Invoice from the Accounting module to Sales module?
Because Sales Invoices are handled by Sales department in all of my clients.


No UI option to move form from one module to another module.

You can give access to your sales users on Sales Invoice. With this, they
will only be able to see Sales Invoice in the Accounts module, and not the
other records on Account module.

Hmm…not a pretty one but it’s a solution :smile:
Thank you

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You can edit the apps/erpnext/erpnext/config/ files and add an entry for Sales Invoice.

Thank you.
I’ll try that once my issue with update is resolved.

I don’t see the file
@ app/erpnext/erpnext/config/

@sudhir_rajgowda file name is
check this.