How to make a Frappe call when a user moves a doc in the calendar view?

Hi there,

I want to call a method with a frappe call when you move (drag and drop) a doc in the calendar view. How can I detect when a doc is moved in the calendar?

I want to calculate something based in the date field, so when the date changes cause a user has moved it in the calendar view, I need to update the information I’m calculating based in this new date…

If I put the frappe call in the after_save it only works when I save the doc, and it I put it in my date field it only works when I manually use this field. But when a user moves the doc in the calendar neither the field or the after_save methods autoexecutes.

Any ideas about this?

Kind Regards,


Dear @rtimagine

what is the exact doc you want to calculate

Hi hereaddulla

It’s in a custom app. I’m executing a frappe.db.sql from python depending on the date of my custom doc. So the problem is that in the calendar view you can drag and drop the documento to other day and this date changes. So in this case I want to recalculate sth.

I’m looking for the way to execute some code then a user drag and drop a doc in the calendar view changing it’s date.

you want to write frappe call when the date field changed

ex. if date field name is date

    date:function(frm){ ({

Yes, but what I need is to execute it again if the user moves the doc in the calendar view, changing this field (not manually). Only with drag and drop in the calendar.

Yes, but what I need is to execute it again if the user moves the doc in
the calendar view, changing this field (not manually). Only with drag and
drop in the calendar.