How to know current window is freezed or not

there is a js in web_form.html which is{
type: “POST”,
method: “”,
args: {
data: data,
web_form: frappe.web_form_name,
for_payment: for_payment
freeze: true,
btn: $form.find(“[type=‘submit’]”),
callback: function(data) {
//alert(window.location.pathname );
if(!data.exc) {
frappe.doc_name = data.message;
if(!frappe.login_required) {
$(“.comments, .introduction, .page-head”).addClass(“hide”);
scroll(0, 0);
//click2close(“Successfully Registered!!!”,“info”);
//messenger(“Thank you for Registering”,“Success”);
//window.location.href = “/home_page”;
set_message(frappe.success_link, true);
else {
$(‘div.form-message p:nth-child(1)’).append( " Please Note that your application id is “+frappe.doc_name +” " );

  			if(frappe.is_new && frappe.login_required) {
  				// reload page (with ID)
  				window.location.href = window.location.pathname + "?name=" + frappe.doc_name;
  			if(for_payment && data.message) {
  				// redirect to payment
  				window.location.href = data.message;
  	    else {
  			frappe.msgprint(__('There were errors. Please report this.'));
        always: function() {
            window.saving = false;
  return true;


in this js i can see a section

freeze: true,

and i created a webform which has child table in it when i submit this webform it freezes the screen until form submitess successfully but i want to use spinner instead of freeze and i have done this


<div class="container" id="spinner" style="display:none;">
    <div class="animationload">
        <div class="osahanloading"></div>


js side is

method: “erpnext.schools.doctype.corporate_registration.corporate_registration.create_lead”,
args: {
“sender”: email,
“name”: name,
“company_name”: organization
callback: function(r) {
if(r.message) {

but spinner hides and screen is still freezed

so i would like to know is there any way to know is the screen is freezed or not

You could check for the freeze overlay element .freeze-message-container. Arguably, it should disappear at the end of

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@pratu16x7 thanks