How to install ui theme erpnext/not change

I have a repo for ui theme erpnext and tried to install it like an app

  • bench get-app
  • bench --site install-app

but why the theme didnt change?

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I’m sorry.
So I already install frappe and erpnext v12. And I have a repo for ui theme but i dont know how to install it. After searching, some people said to just install it as an app with bench get-app then install it with bench --site install-app but after install it, the ui didn’t change.

Is there some step that I’ve missed?

Is this an app you’ve made or an existing one you picked up, perhaps from the forums itself?

Have you tested this app prior?

@kennethsequeira Existing one. It was already tried and I have seen the preview, but when I install it, nothing change with the theme. Is there anything that should be install prior or change something?