How to install ERPNext and Magento on same server

Hi everyone,
can anybody help me to install Erpnext and Magento on same server.


Assuming your using Debian 9 and its a clean system, the install script will be the easiest and will install and configure everything for you (from an erpnext perspective).

So first install ERPNext:

Update hosts file with the site.domain you want to use.

Create new user (example user123):
sudo adduser user123

Give sudo permission for user:
sudo usermod -aG sudo user123

Login as user123

Run a quick system update:
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install python:
sudo apt-get install python-minimal build-essential python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-setuptools -y

Get the install script:

sudo python --production --site --user user123 --mysql-root-password mySQLROOTPAssword --admin-password ADMINPassword --bench-name NewBENCHName

Copy and paste exactly and replace the user123, mySQLROOTPAssword, ADMINPassword and NewBenchName with your respective details.

This will setup ERPnext on the system using whatever address you have chosen on (as production).

Next install Magento using the instructions from Here

You will need to decide whether erpnext or magneto are on

Good luck.


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you could use proxmox and run each app (Magento/ERPNext) in a separate container. I think such a solution (their are other then proxmox) would be much cleaner then mixing things up whenever you may run into any problem on either of the systems.

Also you are able to take snapshots of the entire ERPNext/Magento Sever at any point which offers tremndous level of flexibility whether you use that right


That’s a great idea.

You can actually install proxmox over an existing Debian system so you could use a Cloud VPS.

true, but proxmox is a complete (debian based) OS as well. If I was to start from scratch (and not have any reason to use an existing debian server) I would use the ‘pure’ proxmox I guess

There are many reasons this is not a good idea for a production environment.
You’d never want to install your ERP on the same server as your website. Secondly Magento is very resource hungry and your ERP performance could suffer as a consequence. Also as others have mentioned troubleshooting problems can be a big problem with those 2 systems.

Just create 2 separate VMs, or if you have to use single server then use containers.

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I agree. Linux containers are less hungry, and are more flexible in terms of backup, image management/

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