How to disable multiple Items from POS

Hello. I have created a list of items with multiple groups. But I don’t need some items to be displayed in the POS. So is there any other way other than adding the categories that I wish to display in the POS using the “POS profile” setting? Like the opposite of it. Can I disable some group from appearing the POS.

Link POS to warehouse and keep only those items in this warehouse which you want to display.


You can ‘Disable’ respective item from ‘Item master’ form .but this is time consuming .

This item will not appear anywhere

But I only want the items out of POS. Don’t want to disable it completely. I’m asking this because I run a pastry shop and need to add manufacturing products to my inventory like sugar wheat and other items which I do not use in POS.

Okay. But how do I add items to a specific warehouse? Is it from Item Master - SALES,PURCHASE,ACCOUNTING DEFAULTS - Default warehouse?

You can set default warehouse to the item from Item Master.

In POS Profile -item groups, u can add item groups of items to display in pos